The description will usually have all of the necessary information, so always visit the download page for further information. Just keep that in mind when you browse and install any of these lovely lots. While some of these are compatible with the main game, the majority of them require expansions and stuff packs - and some of them make extensive use of Custom Creations (CC) as a powerful tool for creating unique environments. To get you started on your Sim-focused real estate journey, I’ve compiled a massive list of my favourite user-created lots, residences, parks, stores, dance clubs, mansions, and everything else. You can also marvel at other people’s works on the internet and even incorporate them into your own game! Perhaps you appreciate the dollhouse-like character creation, the silly activities you can make your Sims undertake, or the ability to build your perfect home. Though unlikely at this stage of the game’s lifecycle, if this ever changes, we’ll be sure to update you here with the necessary steps.The Sims is a game that everyone enjoys. One Million Luxury Mansion (No CC)Sims 4 / Lots / Residential. Unfortunately, mods aren’t available on console platforms. Are mods available on console for The Sims 4? If you want to check what mods the game recognizes that you’ve installed, select ‘ View Custom Content‘ once you’ve restarted to see what appears.

Once you’ve launched the game, select the ‘…’ icon from either the main menu or the top right of the screen when in-game.Lot Size: 30×30 Lot Type: Residential Value: 186.378 Unfurnished Value: 68.035 No CC is used Instructions To Build The Sims 4 Mansion. The house has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Mods won’t work straight off of the bat in The Sims unless you’ve signified to the game that you want them to appear: A modern two-story house built for The Sims 4. EA / Maxis Once your mods are downloaded, you’ll need to make show these two settings are enabled.