This fixed the intermittent freezing issues for me, including the touchpad. long boot issue is gone with the newest GPU drivers

Install latest radeon adranlin software/driver and then download this driver for AMD CoProcessor Audio driver I can do hardware scans and limit the battery charging but it wont' display all system information correctly. Thus far the online steps I've tried haven't' resolved it. Now I'm trying to fix the "myasus" app stating some functions aren't available. my ridiculous 64GB of RAM-kinda like what the hell, why not?! I do a fair amount of video editing and processing, photo editing, etc., and typically keep a game up in the background while I work and I never run out of RAM, so that's cool. Looks like, as far as video driver goes, we have to stick with what Asus provides. Then I uninstalled the AMD software and boot times returned to normal.

I tried rolling back the driver but boot time was still long.

But after in installed the AMD Radeon Adrenalin software/driver package for this CPU, boot times once again jumped to well over 2 minutes. I was running just the AMD video driver for the Ryzen CPU. Discovered something that may be helpful.